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2017-01-17  |  作者:  |  【  】 【打印】 【关闭



性别: 男       民族: 满族        国籍: 中国        出生年月:1974年6月        出生地点:河北省永清县刘其营乡西麻村

婚姻家庭: 已婚, 一女        工作单位: 中国科学院云南天文台太阳物理研究团组 

Research Gate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bojing_Zhu/



1980年9月 - 1985年7月        河北省永清县南关小学

1985年9月 - 1991年7月        河北省永清第一中学(存实学堂)

1991年9月 - 1995年7月        沈阳农业大学工学院机械系,     专业: 机械设计制造

2002年9月 - 2003年7月        中国石油大学工学院应用力学系, 专业: 应用力学

2003年9月 - 2005年7月        中国农业大学理学院应用力学系, 专业: 固体力学-计算力学

                                                 硕士论文: 三维双相材料裂纹问题的超奇异积分方程方法

                                                导师: 秦太验教授

2005年9月 - 2007年12月      中国农业大学理学院应用力学系, 专业: 车辆工程/断裂力学





2015年10月至今:                   中国科学院云南天文台太阳物理研究团组, 副研究员

2014年10月- 2015年10月      DRP Project Team, TOTAL (http://www.total.com/en), Co-PI for jointed DRP Project, Research Scientist

2013年 1月- 2015年 2月      University of Durham(UK), Research Fellow

2008年 1月- 2014年 4月      中国科学院大学地球科学学院(原中国科学院研究生院地球科学学院)暨中国科学院地球动力学重点实验室

                                                 2008年1月 - 2010年10月 博士后 专业:地球物理-计算地球动力学




2012年 9月- 2012年11月      University of Connecticut & American Society of Naval Engineers (Mansfield), Visiting Researcher

2011年12月- 2012年 3月      University of Connecticut,Visiting Researcher

2010年12月- 2011年 3月      University of Connecticut,Visiting Researcher

2009年10月- 2009年 4月      Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, University of Minnesota,Visiting Researcher 

1998年12月- 2002年 9月      海南大学(原华南热带农业大学)暨中国热带农业科学院, 力学, 讲师,专职教员

1995年 7月- 1998年12月      北京市监管局清河分局,力学,助理工程师







4.南京大学现代天文与天体物理教育部重点实验室基金,基于超算平台的三维磁重联电流片磁岛相互作用 PIC数值实验研究,2016/01-2017/12,3万,在研,主持

5.TOTAL-BP-MIT Jointed Project, Experimental and digital carbonate rock elastic properties and multi-flow properties,2014/01-2018/12,6.4M$,Co-PI,负责部分已结题

6.UK Natural Environment Research Council Standard Project,Fault lubrication during earthquake propagation in thermally unstable rock, 2011/01—2014/12,0.56MGBP,已结题,参与









15.National Science Foundation,Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Concentration- and Temperature-Induced Density Driven Flows,0.24M$,2005/08-2009/10, 参与,已结题



BJ Zhu, J Lin., Applications and Development in Particle-in-Cell Methods for Investigating Large-Scale Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection. Progress in Astronomy. 34(4):459-476. 10.3969/j.issn.1000-8349.2016.04.08(In Chinese)

HH Cheng, BJ Zhu*, Dave.A.Yuen, YL Shi., Submicron size-scale mapping of carbonate effective elastic properties from FIB-SEM images and finite element method. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. Doi:10.1007/s11430-015-0132-9.

C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Shi., Lithospheric rheology and Moho upheaval control the generation mechanism of the intraplate earthquakes in the North China Basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.121:153-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.03.008

C Liu, BJ Zhu, XL Yang., Geodynamic Background of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Based on 3D Visco-elastic Numerical Modelling. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors 252.121:153-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.03.008


SQ Liu, FL Yin, BJ Zhu, YL Shi., Numerical simulation on the formation of cold seepage, 58(5):1731-1741.Chinese Journal of Geophysics. DOI: 10.6038/cjg20150523.

C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Yang., Crustal rheological strength heterogeneities control the formation of continental plateau margins.107.62-71. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.04.005

BJ Zhu*, Dave.A.Yuen, YL Shi, HH Cheng, Submicron volume roughness & asperity contact friction model for principle slip surface in flash heating process. Journal of Earth Science.26(1) 96-107. DOI: 10.1007/s12583-015-0514

C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Yang, YL Shi., Crustal rheology control on earthquake activity across the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights from numerical modelling. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences100,82. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.01.001

C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Yang.,How does crustal shortening contribute to the uplift of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau? 98.83. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.10.037


YB Li, BJ Zhu*, Three-dimensional pore-network cracks transient hydrofacturing-liquefaction in tight sandstone under seismic wave&electro-magneto-thermo-elastic fields. Scientific Journal of Earth Science. 4(2), 37-54.

SQ Liu, YB Li, JL Yang, HQ Tian, BJ Zhu, Yaolin Shi. First_principles study of high-pressure stability, structure, and elasticity of FeS2 polymorphs. Phys Chem Minerals. 2014.41(3),189-196.(10.1007/s00269-013-0637-x).


BJ Zhu, YL Shi*. Study of tight sandstone permeability from lattice boltzmann & digital rock model. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 45(3), 384-394.

BJ Zhu, YX Liu, HH Cheng, YB Li, SQ Liu, C Liu, YL Shi,. Application of digital rock technology to saturated rock friction mechanism under high pressure and temperature [J].Progress in Geophysics, 2013, 28(4): 1689-1699,DOI:10.6038/pg20130408.

SQ Liu, YB Li, JL Yang, HQ Tian, BJ Zhu, YL Shi. First_principles study of high_pressure stability, structure, and elasticity of FeS2 polymorphs.?Phys Chem Minerals?[J]. 2013.DOI: 10.1007/s00269-013-0637-x


HH Cheng, YC Qiao, C Liu, YB Li, BJ Zhu*, YL Shi, DS Sun, K Zhang, WR Lin, Extended hybrid pressure and velocity boundary conditions for D3Q27 Latice Boltzmann model, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 36(5), 2031-2055.`

C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Shi. Stress accumulation of longmenshan fault and recurrence interval of wenchuan earthquake based on viscoelasticity simulation. Geologica Sinica. 86 (01) 157-169.

BJ Zhu, HH Cheng, YC Qiao, C Liu, YL Shi, K Zhang, DS Sun, WR Lin. Porosity and permeability evolution and evaluation in anisotropic porosity multiscale-multiphase-multicomponent structure. Chines Science Bulletin. 57(4) 320-327.

BJ Zhu, C Liu, YL Shi.,(2012) Saturated dislocations transient propagation-evolution in olivine structure under ultra high-coupled thermal-force fields. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. Doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2012.02.002.


BJ Zhu, HH Cheng, YC Qiao, C Liu, YL Shi, DS Sun, K Zhang, WR Lin Porosity and permeability evolution and evaluation in anisotropic porosity multiscale-multiphase-multicomponent structure. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN Doi: 10.1007/s11434-011-4874-4.

C LIU, BJ Zhu*, YL Shi. Coseismic stress variation and numerical analysis of 2011Jpapan-Honshu 9.0 earthquake.?Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2011.55(2) 118~130

BJ Zhu, C Liu, YL Shi Y, DS Sun, K Zhang. Application of flow driven pore-network crack model to Zipingpu reservoir and Longmenshan slip. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy (Science in China Series G).?2011.54 (8) 1532-1540.

Extended Coulomb failure criteria for the Zipingpu reservoir and Longmenshan slip investigated by researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Science Bulletin 56 (31) (2011). 3358-3358.


BJ Zhu*, YL Shi. Three-dimensional flow driven pore-crack networks in porous composites: Boltzmann lattice method and hybrid hypersingular integral. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics.2010. 53(1) 9-41


BJ Zhu*,YL Shi, TY Qin, M.C Sukop, SH Yuand YB Li Mixed-mode stress intensity factors of 3D interface crack in fully coupled belectromagnetothermoelastic multiphase composites.2009. (doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2009.02.010)

BJ Zhu*, YL. Shi, M.C.Sukop, YB Liand TY. Qin Analysis of 3D fluid driven crack propagation problem in co-seismic slip under P- and S-waves by hybrid hypersingular integral method. (doi:10.1016/j.cma.2009.02.031)

BJ Zhu*, YL Shi. Wave time-domain hypersingular integral applied to co-seismic slip of P- and S-waves from crack propagation. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2008 (doi:10.1016/j.tafmec.2008.07.012 ).


BJ Zhu*, TY Qin. Multiple 3D flaws in fully coupled electro-magneto-thermo-elastic multiphase composites by extended hypersingular integral equation method. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2008. 49(3)268-290 (doi:10.1016/j.tafmec.2008.02.003).

BJ Zhu*, TY Qin. 3D modeling of crack growth in electro-magneto-thermo-elastic coupled viscoplastic multiphase composites. Applied mathematical modeling. 2008. 17(1) 015032 (doi:10.1016/j.apm.2007.12.024).

BJ Zhu*, TY Qin. Arbitrary 3D flaws in electromagnetothermoelastic composites under coupled multiple fields. Smart Materials and Structures. 2008. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/17/01/015032).

TY Qin., BJ Zhu, NA Noda. Mixed-mode stress intensity factors of a three-dimensional crack in a bonded biomaterial, Engineering Computations, 2008,25,3,251-267,(doi:10.1108/02644400810857083)

BJ Zhu*, TY Qin. Application of hypersingular integral equation method to 3D crack in electromagnetothermoelastic multiphase composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2007, 44 (18/19): 5994-6012. ( doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2007.02.001)

BJ Zhu*, TY Qin. Hypersingular integral equation method for a 3D crack in anisotropic electro-magneto-elastic bimaterisals. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2007, 47 (3): 219-232. (doi:10.1016/j.tafmec.2007.01.007)



      BJ Zhu, J Lin*., Exploring the Role of Turbulent Acceleration and Heating in Fractal Current Sheet of Solar Flare from Hybrid PIC and LBM Virtual Test, 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, SH51F-2638.

      BJ Zhu, J Lin*., Exploring the role of turbulent acceleration and heating in fractal?current sheet of solar flares with hybrid particle in cell and lattice Boltzmann virtual test on HPC platform.The 7th East Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting, Oct 24-28, 2016, Beijing, China (Invited report).

      BJ Zhu, J Lin*., Correlation of turbulent-island and particle acceleration in the current sheet of magnetic reconnection through HPC PIC-LBM virtual test, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society. Jul 31-Aug 5. 2016, Beijing, China (Oral report).

     BJ Zhu, J Lin*., The role of turbulence on particle acceleration in the fractal current sheet—Evidence from HPC HPIC virtual test The International Summer School on Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas. Jul 4 -10, 2016, Kunming, China (Oral report)


      BJ Zhu. Computational theory: Lattice Green Function & Lattice Boltzmann method for Lithosphere-asthenosphere permeability.ICCM2014 July 28-30, Cambridge, UK (Report).

      BJ Zhu. Application of lattice green function & lattice Boltzmann method to nano-scale interface crack brittle-ductile propagation under ultra high temperature and pressure. International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials X, Hyannis, MA, USA, 21-26 September 2014 (No.FATD2014_0081).


      BJ Zhu, YL Shi, TY Fan. Three-dimensional annular saturated crack propagation in ultralow permeability rock under wave & electro-magneto-thermo-elastic fields. 13th International Conference on Fracture. June 16-21, 2013, Beijing, China (Presentation and general paper 1-15).


      BJ Zhu, Dave Yuen, YL Shi,?Mechanism of?saturated rock?friction under ultra high temperature and pressure under parallel GPU-CPU platform. The 2nd Conference on?Supercomputing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences, SCA2012, 21-25 August,?Tengchong,?China.?

      BJ Zhu, XY Liu, SH Yang, HH Cheng, C Liu, YL Shi, Coriolis-induced state-rate law and strain energy function in Coseismic rupture. International Symposium on Space Geodesy and Earth System, 18-21, August?2012,Shanghai, China.

      BJ Zhu, HH Cheng, YL Shi, Dislocations propagation-evolution in olivine under ultra-high temperature pressure.34th International Geological Congress. 5-10, August, Brisbane, Australia.

      BJ Zhu, YL Shi, C.Liu, Saturated dislocations transient propagation-evolution in olivine structure under ultra high-coupled thermal-force fields. XXIII ICTAM, 19-24, August 2012,Beijing, China

      BJ Zhu, D Yuen, YL Shi,?Friction properties of saturated olivine under?ultra-high temperature and pressure. International Workshop of Deep Geothermal Systems, Wuhan, China, June 28-30

      BJ Zhu, YL Shi. Application of?digital rock technology to saturated rock friction mechanism under ultra-high pressure and temperature. International Workshop on Digital Core Analysis Technology. Qingdao,?China, June.7-9.

      BJ Zhu, YL Shi. Porosity-permeability anisotropy of rocks under ultra-high temperature and pressure. Second?deep earth meeting of IODP-China, Shanghai, China, and July 2-4.

      BJ Zhu, YL Shi. Extended coulomb failure criterion for evaluates the effect of reservoir impoundment on closed fault slip. Second deep earth meeting of IODP-China, Shanghai, China, and July 2-4.


      BJ Zhu, YL Shi. Study of penetration and diffusion for 2011 Japan-Fukushima nuclear plant leak problem.? 2011 International Conference on Groundwater Contamination and Water System Security. Beijing, China.? December 1-2.

      BJ Zhu, YL Shi.?Correlation of rock dehydration and dynamic micro state-rate friction law to coseismic fault. American Geophysical Union 2011 Fall Meeting.?


     YL Shi, BJ Zhu. Study on Zipingpu reservoir induced multi-scale porous flows related to 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake by parallel CPU and GPU computation. American Geophysical Union 2010 Fall Meeting.?


      BJ Zhu, YL Shi. Three-dimensional crack propagation problems in co-seismic slip under P- and S- waves by wave time domain hypersingular integral method. The 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Introduction in the Earth. October 20-29, 2008.

      BJ Zhu, SH Yu, TY Qin and YLShi. 3D interface crack in fully coupled electromagnetothermoelastic multiphase anisotropic composites. XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. ICTAM. August 24-29, 2008

      BJ Zhu, YL Shi.Analysis of slip and Coulomb stresses on 3D fault slips under coupled multi-fields by time-domain hypersingular integral equation method. XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. ICTAM. August 24-29, 2008

      TY Qin, BJ Zhu. Finite-part integral method to solve three-dimensional crack problems in electromagnetothermoelastic multiphase composites. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. ICHMM. Jun 2, 2008. http://www.destechpub.com/pageview.asp?pageid=33218.

      BJ Zhu, YL Shi, TY Qin. 3D Interface crack growth problem in fully coupled electromagnetothermoelastic multiphase anisotropic composites. Part I:Basic Theory and Mathematical Modeling. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. ICHMM. Jun 2, 2008. http://www.destechpub.com/pageview.asp?pageid=33218

      BJ Zhu, TY Qin. Hypersingular integral equation method for 3D crack in electromagnetothermoelastic viscoplastic multiphase composites. ICFF VIII. Jan 3-7, 2008.

      BJ Zhu, TY Qin. 3D interface crack modeling in fully coupled electromagnetothermoelastic anisotropic bimaterials. ICFF VIII. Jan 3-7, 2008.


      BJ Zhu, TY Qin. Multiple 3D flaws in fully coupled electro-magneto-thermo-elastic multiphase composites by hypersingular integral equation method. The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2007.

      BJ Zhu, TY Qin. 3D mixed-mode crack growth modeling in electro-magneto-thermo-elastic coupled viscoplastic multiphase composites by time-domain hypersingular integral equation method. In: Z.H.Yao, M.W.Yuan Ed. Proceedings of ISCM, Tsinghua University Press& Springer Verlag. Beijing, China. http://www.springer.com/math/cse/book/978-3-540-75998-0?detailsPage=distRights



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