White House Plan Focuses on Hazards from Solar Storms
Space weather has its day in the Sun, with the administration issuing a new strategy and action plan to increase protection from damaging solar emissions.
The White House is paying closer attention to the potential widespread damage that some powerful space weather storms emanating from the Sun can cause to electric power systems, satellite and aircraft operations, telecommunications, navigation, and other technology.
On 29 October, the administration issued a new strategy and action plan to cope with space weather events.
Space weather is “a priority” for the Obama administration, according to White House science adviser John Holdren.
Space weather is “a priority” for the Obama administration, White House science adviser John Holdren said at a 29 October White House forum to release the documents. 空间天气是“优先”由奥巴马政府提出,白宫科学顾问约翰霍尔德伦在29十月白宫论坛发布的文件。
“We absolutely need to ensure that our nation is appropriately prepared to respond to and recover from space weather events.”
Space weather events occur when outbursts from the Sun, such as solar flares, solar energetic particles, and coronal mass ejections, collide with Earth’s magnetic field. 空间天气事件发生时,来自太阳的爆发如太阳耀斑,太阳高能粒子,和日冕物质抛射,地球的磁场碰撞。
Although many of these events are harmless, some are powerful enough to cause havoc by disrupting critical technology. 虽然这些事件是无害的,有些是强大到足以通过干扰关键技术造成破坏。
Speakers at the forum referred to a 1989 geomagnetic storm that cut electricity to 6 million Canadians for 9 hours and to the 1859 “Carrington” event, the largest documented series of geomagnetic storms from the Sun to have struck Earth. 演讲者在论坛上提到了1989年的地磁风暴,削减600万加拿大人9小时用电,并在1859年“卡林顿”事件中,最大的记录系列从太阳磁暴到达地球的事件。
Key Goals主要目标
The White House strategy calls for improving efforts to protect against and mitigate space weather risks; improving the fundamental understanding of space weather; and increasing the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of space weather observations and forecasts. 白宫战略呼吁加强努力,以防止和缓解空间天气风险;改善空间天气的基本认识;提高空间天气观测和预报的准确性、可靠性和及时性。
The action plan includes specific federal agency and interagency measures to implement the strategy.
A panel established a year ago—the interagency Space Weather Operations, Research and Mitigation (SWORM) task force—developed the strategy and action plan. This panel comprised representatives from 24 federal departments, agencies, and offices.
Bill Murtagh, assistant director for space weather at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, told Eos that a group is being formed to pick up where the SWORM task force left off to ensure implementation of the action plan. 比尔莫塔,白宫空间天气科学和技术政策办公室主任助理,告诉EOS小组正在组建并继续进行SWORM工作小组停止的工作,以确保该行动计划的执行。
He noted that both sides of the aisle in Congress support taking action on space weather. 他指出,国会支持双方在空间天气方面采取行动。
“If it’s controversial at all, it’s ‘Are we doing enough?’” he said. “如果这是有争议的,这是我们做的不够吗?”他说。
Vulnerability and Opportunity漏洞与机会
During the late October forum, participants from government and industry agreed on the seriousness of the peril. 在十月末的论坛期间,政府和工业界人士同意了这一危险的严重性。
“Although we have a lot to learn about the physics and phenomenology of space weather,” said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) AdministratorKathryn Sullivan, “there is no uncertainty” about society’s vulnerability to its storms. “虽然我们有很多物理和空间天气现象的知识要学习,”美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)局长Kathryn沙利文说,“不过不确定性是不存在的”对社会容易遭受的风暴。
William “Terry” Boston, chief executive officer emeritus of the largest power grid in North America, PJM Interconnection, agreed that geomagnetic disturbances pose “a clear and present threat to the [electrical] system.” 威廉“特里”波士顿,获得了北美最大的电力网公司PJM公司互联首席执行官荣誉,一致认为,地磁扰动造成“明显而现实的威胁到了[电子]系统。”
To the academic community, the action plan offers an opportunity “to contribute importantly to the national effort” through basic and operational research, said Louis Lanzerotti, a distinguished research professor of physics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark. 在学术界,该行动计划提供了一个重要的机会为“全国性工作作出重要贡献” 通过基础研究和业务研究的Louis Lanzerotti说,他是纽瓦克新泽西理工学院物理学技术的杰出研究教授。
The community is “going to be thrilled” with the action plan, he said at the forum. 他在论坛上说:“要为行动计划感到兴奋”。
Cooperative Effort合作努力
The new strategy “is long overdue,” and it partly makes up for “a very severe lack of regulation and appropriate standards for the U.S. electric grid,” Thomas Popik, chairman of the Foundation for Resilient Societies, told Eos. 新战略“姗姗来迟”这部分弥补了“对美国的电网调控和适当的标准一个非常严重的缺乏,”托马斯Popik,该基金会的弹性协会主席告诉EOS。
The foundation is a nonprofit concerned about the protection of North America’s electric grids and other critical infrastructure. 该基金会是一个非营利组织,主要用于关注保护美国北部电网和其他关键基础设施。
For Dan Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder, the cooperation between agencies inherent to the action plan suggests “we really have a chance for making this work.” 对于丹贝克,在科罗拉多大学的大气和空间物理实验室主任,在行动计划所固有的机构之间的合作表明,“我们真的有机会做这项工作。”
There is “a golden opportunity” for collaboration between the academic, governmental, and commercial space weather sectors to improve forecasts and resilience to space weather events, agreed Conrad Lautenbacher, chief executive officer of the environmental data company GeoOptics and former NOAA administrator.这是学术界和政府之间的合作的“黄金机会”商业空间天气领域提高预测(和弹性)的空天天气事件,康拉德表示同意劳滕巴赫尔,环境数据的公司geooptics NOAA管理员和前首席执行官。
Baker, who chaired the National Research Council’s 2012 Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics, also expressed concern about continuity of implementation in future administrations and congressional support for the plan. 贝克,曾主持国家研究委员会2012年太阳和空间物理的十年调查,也对实现今后主管部门的连续性和计划国会的支持表示关切。
He told Eos that he hopes that the release of the space weather strategy and action plan “is a watershed moment where things are really going to change.” —Randy Showstack, Staff Writer
他告诉奥斯说,他希望空间天气战略和行动计划的发布“是一个分水岭,事情真的要发生改变。” —Randy Showstack, 员工作家

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of a solar flare—as seen in the bright flash on the lower right limb of the Sun—at 8:12 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on 1 October 2015. The image is a blend of three wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light that have been colorized. Credit: NASA/SDO美国宇航局的太阳动力学天文台拍摄的此图像太阳耀斑在太阳上右下分支看到的明亮的闪光在下午8时12分东部夏令时间在2015年10月1日,图像是三个波段的观测结果。图片提供:NASA/ SDO

Louis Lanzerotti, distinguished research professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, speaking. Looking on is Conrad Lautenbacher, chief executive officer of GeoOptics and former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration administrator. Credit: Randy Showstack正在说话的是路易斯Lanzerotti,杰出研究教授,新泽西理工学院。旁为康拉德·劳滕巴赫尔,GeoOptics和前美国国家海洋和大气管理局管理员的首席执行官。信用:兰迪Showstack
Citation: Showstack, R. (2015), White House plan focuses on hazards from solar storms, Eos, 96,doi:10.1029/2015EO039015. Published on 6 November 2015.